Source code for moldyn.processing.data_proc

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import os
from functools import wraps
from pprint import pprint

import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne
from matplotlib.tri import TriAnalyzer, Triangulation, UniformTriRefiner
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi, ConvexHull
import moderngl

from moldyn.processing.strain_CPU import StrainComputeCPU
from moldyn.simulation.builder import Model
from moldyn.utils import gl_util

[docs]def cached(f, _cache=dict()): """ Parameters ---------- f Returns ------- """ fn = f.__repr__() _cache[f] = ne.utils.CacheDict(12) @wraps(f) def cf(*args, **kwargs): argscp = [] for arg in args: try: hash(arg) except: arg = id(arg) argscp.append(arg) for arg in kwargs.items(): try: hash(arg) except: arg = (arg[0], id(arg[1])) argscp.append(arg) key = tuple(argscp) try: cv = _cache[f][key] except KeyError: cv = f(*args, **kwargs) _cache[f][key] = cv return cv return cf
[docs]@cached def PDF(pos, nb_samples, rcut, bin_count): """ Pair Distribution Function. Returns normalized histogram of distance between atoms. Parameters ---------- pos : np.array Array containing atoms position nb_samples : int Number of atoms from which to generate the histogram rcut : number Maximum distance to consider bin_count : int Number of bins of the histogram Returns ------- bins, hist : tuple(np.array, np.array) `bins` being the distances, `hist` the normalized (regarding radius) histogram """ bins = np.linspace(0, rcut, bin_count) samples = np.random.choice(range(len(pos)), nb_samples) hist = np.zeros(len(bins)-1) for s in samples: sample = pos[s,:] dists = np.array([a for a in np.sqrt(ne.evaluate("sum((pos-sample)**2,axis=1)")) if a]) hist += np.histogram(dists, bins=bins, weights=1/dists)[0] return bins[:-1], hist/nb_samples
[docs]@cached def density(model, refinement=0): """ Create a Voronoi mesh and calculate the local particle density on its vertices. The local density is calculated as follows: for each vertex, compute the density of each neighbour region as one over the area and assign the average of the neighbouring density to the vertex. Parameters ---------- model : simulation.builder.Model the Model object containing refinement : int (defaults : 0) number of subdivision for refining the mesh (0 == None) Returns ------- tri : matplotlib.tri.Triangulation the triangulation mesh (refined if set as) vert_density : numpy.array the array containing the local denstity associated with the tri mesh Example ------- To plot the result using matplotlib use : .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt tri, density = data_proc.density(model) plt.tricontour(tri, density) # to draw contours plt.tricontourf(tri, density) # ot draw filled contours Note ---- As of now, the numerical results may not be quantitatively accurate but should qualitatively represent the density. """ vor = Voronoi(model.pos) vert_density = np.zeros(max(vor.vertices.shape)) # density vector reg_num = np.zeros(max(vor.vertices.shape)) # nbr of regions per vertex --> averaging for point_index, reg in enumerate(vor.point_region): vertices = vor.regions[reg] if vertices: if -1 not in vertices: area = ConvexHull(vor.vertices[vertices]).area # gets the area vert_density[vertices] += 1 / area # makes it a density (sort-of) reg_num[vertices] += 1 vert_density /= reg_num # averaging # getting rid of really ugly border points new_vert, vert_density = (vor.vertices[vor.vertices[:, 0] >= np.min(model.pos[:, 0])], vert_density[vor.vertices[:, 0] >= np.min(model.pos[:, 0])]) new_vert, vert_density = (new_vert[new_vert[:, 0] <= np.max(model.pos[:, 0])], vert_density[new_vert[:, 0] <= np.max(model.pos[:, 0])]) new_vert, vert_density = (new_vert[new_vert[:, 1] >= np.min(model.pos[:, 1])], vert_density[new_vert[:, 1] >= np.min(model.pos[:, 1])]) new_vert, vert_density = (new_vert[new_vert[:, 1] <= np.max(model.pos[:, 1])], vert_density[new_vert[:, 1] <= np.max(model.pos[:, 1])]) # for triangulation refinement tri2 = Triangulation(*new_vert.T) if refinement: tri2.set_mask(TriAnalyzer(tri2).get_flat_tri_mask(0.1)) refiner = UniformTriRefiner(tri2) print(len(tri2.neighbors), vert_density.shape) tri, vert_density = refiner.refine_field(vert_density, subdiv=refinement) else: tri, vert_density = tri2, vert_density return tri, vert_density
def identify(func): @wraps(func) def wrap(*args, **kwargs): print(repr(func)) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrap class StrainComputeGPU: def __init__(self, consts): """ Parameters ---------- consts : dict Dictionary containing constants used for calculations. """ self.npart = consts["npart"] max_layout_size = 256 # Probablement optimal (en tout cas d'après essais et guides de bonnes pratiques) self.groups_number = int(np.ceil(self.npart / max_layout_size)) self.layout_size = int(np.ceil(self.npart / self.groups_number)) consts["LAYOUT_SIZE"] = self.layout_size self.context = moderngl.create_standalone_context(require=430) #print(gl_util.source(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/strain.glsl', consts)) self.compute_shader = self.context.compute_shader(gl_util.source(os.path.dirname(__file__)+'/strain.glsl', consts)) self.consts = consts # Buffer de positions au temps t self._BUFFER_P_T = self.context.buffer(reserve=2 * 4 * self.npart) self._BUFFER_P_T.bind_to_storage_buffer(0) # Buffer de positions au temps t - dt self._BUFFER_P_DT = self.context.buffer(reserve=2 * 4 * self.npart) self._BUFFER_P_DT.bind_to_storage_buffer(1) # Buffer d'epsilon self._BUFFER_E = self.context.buffer(reserve=4 * 4 * self.npart) self._BUFFER_E.bind_to_storage_buffer(2) self.array_shape = (self.npart, 2, 2) def set_post(self, pos): """ Parameters ---------- pos : np.ndarray Array of positions. Returns ------- """ self._BUFFER_P_T.write(pos.astype('f4').tobytes()) def set_posdt(self, pos): """ Parameters ---------- pos : np.ndarray Array of positions. Returns ------- """ self._BUFFER_P_DT.write(pos.astype('f4').tobytes()) def compute(self): """ Compute the strain. Returns ------- """ def get_eps(self): """ Returns ------- np.ndarray Computed inter-atomic forces. """ return np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.float32).reshape(self.array_shape)
[docs]@cached def compute_strain(model0:Model, model1:Model, rcut: float): """ Compute the local deformation tensor for each atom. It will try to use GPU but will fallback on CPU if not available Parameters ---------- model0: simulation.builder.Model The model at time t model1: simulation.builder.Model The model at time t-dt rcut: float Returns ------- A vector containing the 2D deformation tensor of each atom (in the order of model.pos). Note ---- Due to numerical calculation imprecision the deformation tensor may not be quantitatively accurate (or even symmetrical). """ params = model0.params.copy() params["RCUT"] = rcut try: strain_compute = StrainComputeGPU(params) except Exception as e: print(e) strain_compute = StrainComputeCPU(params) strain_compute.set_post(model0.pos) strain_compute.set_posdt(model1.pos) strain_compute.compute() eps = strain_compute.get_eps() del strain_compute return eps