Source code for moldyn.processing.visualisation

# -*-encoding: utf-8 -*-
import io
import os

from PIL import Image
from imageio_ffmpeg import write_frames

from moldyn.processing.data_proc import compute_strain
from . import data_proc as dp
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from functools import wraps
import matplotlib
import numpy as np

def _plot_base(*, show=False, axis='', grid=False, figure=None):
    A wrapper designed to handle basic matplotlib configuration.

    show : bool
        If True, will show the plot.
    axis : str
        Configure the plot axis ('equal, ...).
    grid : bool
        Activate the grid on True.
    figure : int
        Specify to which figure to plot. If not specified (ie. None),
        will use the last used figure.

    The wrapped function taking the same arguments as the original.

    def plot_dec(func):
        def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
            keys = kwargs.keys()
            if 'figure' in keys:
                if isinstance(kwargs['figure'], plt.Figure):
                    num = kwargs['figure'].number
                    num = kwargs['figure']
                del kwargs['figure']
            elif figure is not None:

            if 'grid' in keys and kwargs['grid']:
                del kwargs['grid']
            elif grid:

            func(*args, **kwargs)

            if show:
        return wrap
    return plot_dec

[docs]@_plot_base(axis='scaled', grid=False) def plot_density(model, levels=None, refinement=0): """ Compute and plot the contours of the local density of model. Parameters ---------- model : Model The model to plot levels : int or array-like the number of levels or a sorted array-like object of levels refinement : int the level of refinement Returns ------- """ tri, density = dp.density(model, refinement) fig = plt.gcf() if type(levels) == int: levels = np.linspace(min(density), max(density), levels) CS = plt.tricontour(tri, density, levels=levels) cbar = fig.colorbar() cbar.add_lines(CS)'local density')
[docs]@_plot_base(axis='scaled', grid=False) def plot_densityf(model, levels=None, refinement=0): """ Compute and plot the filled contours of the local density of model. Parameters ---------- model : Model The model to plot levels : int or array-like the number of levels or a sorted array-like object of levels refinement : int the level of refinement Returns ------- """ tri, density = dp.density(model, refinement) fig = plt.gcf() cmap = plt.get_cmap("viridis") if type(levels) == int: levels = np.linspace(min(density), max(density), levels) CS = plt.tricontourf(tri, density, levels=levels, cmap=cmap) cbar = fig.colorbar(CS)'local density')
[docs]@_plot_base(axis='scaled', grid=False) def plot_particles(model): """ Plot the position stored in model. Parameters ---------- model : Model The model to plot """ line1, = plt.plot(*model.pos[:model.n_a, :].T, 'ro', markersize=0.5) line2, = plt.plot(*model.pos[model.n_a:, :].T, 'bo', markersize=0.5)
[docs]@_plot_base(axis='scaled', grid=False) def plot_density_surf(model,refinement=0): """ Compute and plot the 3D surface of the local density of model. Parameters ---------- model : Model The model to plot. refinement : int the level of refinement Returns ------- """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') tri, density = dp.density(model, refinement) ax.plot_trisurf(tri, density)
[docs]def make_movie(simulation, dynstate, name: str, pfilm=5, fps=24, callback=None): """ Makes a .mp4 movie of simulation from the history saved in dynstate. Parameters ---------- simulation : Simulation The simulation object dynstate : DynState The dynState object containing the position history file. name : str The path (and name) of the file to be writen. pfilm : int To make the movie, takes every pfilm position. fps : int The number of frame per seconds of the film. callback : function An optional callback function that is called every time a frame is made and is passed the current iteration number. Returns ------- """ # ouverture pour la lecture npas = simulation.current_iter YlimB = simulation.model.y_lim_inf YlimH = simulation.model.y_lim_sup XlimG = simulation.model.x_lim_inf XlimD = simulation.model.x_lim_sup if not name.endswith(".mp4"): name += ".mp4" with, 'r') as fix: # liste de k ou tracer le graph klist = set(range(0, npas, pfilm)) # boucle pour creer le film figure_size = (1920, 1088) try: os.remove(name) except FileNotFoundError: pass gen = write_frames(name, figure_size, fps=fps, quality=9) gen.send(None) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figure_size[0] / (72 * 2), figure_size[1] / (72 * 2))) plt.clf() # definition du domaine de dessin plt.ioff() # pour ne pas afficher les graphs) plt.axis('scaled') plt.ylim(YlimB, YlimH) plt.xlim(XlimG, XlimD) pos = fix.load() line1, = plt.plot(*pos[:simulation.model.n_a,:].T, 'ro', markersize=0.5) line2, = plt.plot(*pos[simulation.model.n_a:,:].T, 'bo', markersize=0.5) plt.xlabel("0") temp = io.BytesIO() for k in range(1, npas): # dessin a chaque pas (ne s'ouvre pas: est sauvegarde de maniere incrementale) if k in klist: plt.xlabel("Iteration : {}".format(k)) plt.title(f"T = {simulation.state_fct['T'][k]:.2f} K") line1.set_data(*pos[:simulation.model.n_a,:].T) line2.set_data(*pos[simulation.model.n_a:,:].T) fig.savefig(temp, format='raw', dpi=72 * 2) # sauvegarde incrementale if callback: callback(k) gen.send(Image.frombytes('RGBA', figure_size,'RGB').tobytes()) pos = fix.load() # on charge a chaque pas de temps gen.close() plt.close(fig)
@_plot_base(axis='scaled', grid=False) def deformation_volume(model0, model1, rcut, levels=50): eps = compute_strain(model0, model1, rcut) fig = plt.gcf() cmap = plt.get_cmap("plasma") dV = eps.trace(axis1=1, axis2=2) if type(levels) == int: levels = np.linspace(min(dV), max(dV)+1e-30, levels) CS = plt.tricontourf(*model1.pos.T, dV, levels=levels, cmap=cmap) cbar = fig.colorbar(CS)'local compression') @_plot_base(axis='scaled', grid=False) def deformation_dev(model0, model1, rcut, levels=50): eps = compute_strain(model0, model1, rcut) fig = plt.gcf() cmap = plt.get_cmap("plasma") dV = eps[:,0,1] if type(levels) == int: levels = np.linspace(min(dV), max(dV)+1e-30, levels) CS = plt.tricontourf(*model1.pos.T, dV, levels=levels, cmap=cmap) cbar = fig.colorbar(CS)'local shear')