Source code for moldyn.simulation.builder

# -*-encoding: utf-8 -*-
Model builder.
Stores and defines physical properties of a group of atoms.

The model handles two species of atom (one of them can be ignored by setting the correct mole fraction).
The first species values are stored in the first part of arrays (lower indices), the second species in what lasts
(higher indices). This is meant to facilitate computation of inter-atomic forces and potential energy.

import numexpr as ne
from ..utils.data_mng import *

[docs]class Model: """ Parameters ---------- pos : np.array Atoms' position. Note ---- If `v` is not set, it is initialized as an array full of zeros. v : np.array Atoms' speed. Note ---- Taken in account only if `pos` is set. npart : int Total number of atoms. Note ---- Setting `pos` overrides this. x_a : float Mole fraction of species A. Attributes ---------- T : float Temperature. Is calculated from the average kinetic energy of the atoms. May be set to any positive value, in which case atoms' speed will be scaled to match the desired temperature. EC : float Microscopic kinetic energy. Note ---- Cannot be changed as-is, but setting :py:attr:`T` is one way to do so. total_EC : float Total kinetic energy. Note ---- Cannot be changed as-is. kB : float Boltzmann constant. If changed, will affect the way the model behaves regarding temperature. pos v : np.array List of atom positions and speeds. First axis represents the atom, second axis the dimension (x or y). dt : float Timestep used for simulation. Note ---- An acceptable value is calculated when species are defined, but it may be set to anything else. npart : int Total number of atoms. x_a : float Mole fraction of species A. n_a : int Atom number for species A, calculated from :py:attr:`x_a` and :py:attr:`npart` If set, :py:attr:`x_a` will be recalculated. epsilon_a epsilon_b : float Epsilon value (J, in Lennard-Jones potential) for species a or b. sigma_a sigma_b : float Sigma value (m, in Lennard-Jones potential) for species a or b. epsilon_ab sigma_ab : float Inter-species epsilon and sigma values. Note ---- Cannot be changed as-is. If you want to change these values, modify the corresponding items in the :py:attr:`params` dictionary. re_a re_b re_ab : float Estimated radius of minimum potential energy. rcut_fact : float When the model is simulated, atoms further than :code:`rcut_fact*re` do not interact. Defaults to `2.0`. params : dict Model parameters, needed for the simulation. Warning ------- Changing directly these values may lead to unpredicted behaviour if not documented. kong : dict Kong rules to estimate inter-species sigma and epsilon parameters. inter_species_rule : dict Rules to automatically estimate inter-species sigma and epsilon parameters. Defaults to :py:attr:`kong`. x_lim_inf y_lim_inf : float Lower x and y position of the box boundaries. x_lim_sup y_lim_sup : float Upper x and y position of the box boundaries. length_x length_y : float Size of the box along x and y axis. Those parameter are tied with `*_lim_***` and any change on one of them is correctly taken in account. lim_inf lim_sup length : np.array 2 elements wide array containing corresponding :code:`(x_*, y_*)` values. Note ---- Cannot be changed as-is. x_periodic y_periodic : int Defines periodic conditions for x and y axis. Set to 1 to define periodic boundary condition or 0 to live in an infinite empty space. Defaults to `0`. mass : float Total mass in the model. Note ---- Cannot be changed as-is. m : np.array Mass of each atom. Shape is :code:`(npart, 2)` in order to facilitate calculations of kinetic energy and Newton's second law. Warning ------- You should not change those values unless you know what you are doing. """ kong = { "sigma":"( (epsilon_a * sigma_a**12 * (1 + ((epsilon_b*sigma_b**12)/(epsilon_a*sigma_a**12))**(1/13))**13) / (2**13 * np.sqrt(epsilon_b*sigma_b**6*epsilon_a*sigma_a**6)) )**(1/6)", "epsilon":"np.sqrt(epsilon_b*sigma_b**6*epsilon_a*sigma_a**6)/sigma_ab**6", } kB = 1.38064852e-23 # en unités SI _special_values_f = {} _derived_values_f = {} def __init__(self, pos=None, v=None, npart=0, x_a=1.0): for f in self._special_values: self._special_values_f[f] = eval("self.set_" + f) for f in self._derived_values: self._derived_values_f[f] = eval("self.get_" + f) if pos: self.pos = pos npart = len(pos) else: self.pos = np.zeros((npart,2)) if v and pos: self.v = v else: self.v = np.zeros((npart,2)) self.inter_species_rule = self.kong self.params = { "npart":npart, "n_a":npart, "rcut_fact":2.0, "x_periodic":0, "y_periodic":0, "x_lim_inf":0, "y_lim_inf":0, "gamma":0.5, "up_zone_lower_limit":0.0, "up_apply_force_x":0, "up_apply_force_y":0, "low_zone_upper_limit":0.0, "low_block":0, } self.x_lim_sup = 0 self.y_lim_sup = 0 self.set_ab((1,1,1),(1,1,1)) self.x_a = x_a self.set_dt() self.set_periodic_boundary()
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns ------- builder.Model Copy of the current model """ m = Model() m.pos = self.pos.copy() m.v = self.v.copy() m.params = self.params.copy() m._m() return m
__copy__ = copy _derived_values = [ # Les valeurs calculables à partir des autres "T", "EC", "total_EC", "mass", "length", "lim_sup", "lim_inf", "up_forces", ] def __getattr__(self, item): try: return self._derived_values_f[item]() except KeyError: try: return self.params[item] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(item) _special_values=[ # Les valeurs à vérifier ou à transformer avant enregistrement "T", "x_a", "n_a", "x_periodic", "y_periodic", "x_lim_sup", "x_lim_inf", "y_lim_sup", "y_lim_inf", "length_x", "length_y", "dt", ] def __setattr__(self, key, value): try: self._special_values_f[key](value) except KeyError: super(Model, self).__setattr__(key, value) def _set_species(self, epsilon : float, sigma : float, m : float, sp : str): self.params["epsilon_"+sp] = epsilon self.params["sigma_"+sp] = sigma self.params["re_"+sp] = 2.0**(1.0/6.0)*sigma self.params["rcut_"+sp] = self.rcut_fact*self.params["re_"+sp] self.params["m_"+sp] = m
[docs] def set_a(self, epsilon : float, sigma : float, m : float): """ Sets species a parameters. Parameters ---------- epsilon : float Epsilon in Lennard-Jones potential. sigma : float Sigma in Lennard-Jones potential. m : float Mass of the atom. Returns ------- """ self._set_species(epsilon, sigma, m, "a")
[docs] def set_b(self, epsilon : float, sigma : float, m : float): """ Same as :py:attr:`set_a`. Returns ------- """ self._set_species(epsilon, sigma, m, "b")
def calc_ab(self): epsilon_a = self.epsilon_a epsilon_b = self.epsilon_b sigma_a = self.sigma_a sigma_b = self.sigma_b rule = self.inter_species_rule sigma_ab = eval(rule["sigma"]) # on en a besoin pour le calcul d'epsilon_ab epsilon_ab = eval(rule["epsilon"]) self._set_species(epsilon_ab, sigma_ab, 0, "ab") self.params["re"] = max(self.re_a, self.re_b) self._m()
[docs] def set_ab(self, a : tuple, b : tuple): """ Sets species a and b parameters, and calculates inter-species parameters. Parameters ---------- a : tuple First species parameters, under the form :code:`(epsilon, sigma, mass)` b : tuple Second species parameters, under the same form. Returns ------- """ self.set_a(*a) self.set_b(*b) self.calc_ab()
def set_n_a(self,n_a : int): self.x_a = n_a/self.npart
[docs] def atom_grid(self, n_x : int, n_y : int, d : float): """ Creates a grid containing :code:`n_x*n_y` atoms. Sets :py:attr:`npart`, :py:attr:`pos`, :py:attr:`dt`, :py:attr:`v` and :py:attr:`m`. Parameters ---------- n_x : int number of columns n_y : int number of rows d : float inter-atomic distance Returns ------- """ self.params["npart"] = n_x*n_y self.params["n_a"] = int(self.x_a*self.npart) posx = np.concatenate([np.arange(0,n_x,1.0) for i in range(n_y)])*d posy = np.concatenate([i*np.ones(n_x) for i in range(n_y)])*d self.pos = np.transpose([posx, posy]) self.v = np.zeros(self.pos.shape) self._m() self.x_lim_sup = (n_x - 0.5)*d self.y_lim_sup = (n_y - 0.5)*d self.x_lim_inf = -0.5*d self.y_lim_inf = -0.5*d self.set_dt()
def _ord_lim_x(self): # s'assure que la taille de la boîte est positive self.params["x_lim_inf"], self.params["x_lim_sup"] = sorted((self.x_lim_inf, self.x_lim_sup)) self.params["length_x"] = self.x_lim_sup - self.x_lim_inf def _ord_lim_y(self): self.params["y_lim_inf"], self.params["y_lim_sup"] = sorted((self.y_lim_inf, self.y_lim_sup)) self.params["length_y"] = self.y_lim_sup - self.y_lim_inf def set_x_lim_inf(self,x_lim_inf : float): self.params["x_lim_inf"] = x_lim_inf self._ord_lim_x() def set_y_lim_inf(self,y_lim_inf : float): self.params["y_lim_inf"] = y_lim_inf self._ord_lim_y() def get_lim_inf(self): return np.array([self.x_lim_inf, self.y_lim_inf]) def get_lim_sup(self): return np.array([self.x_lim_sup, self.y_lim_sup]) def set_x_lim_sup(self,x_lim_sup : float): self.params["x_lim_sup"] = x_lim_sup self._ord_lim_x() def set_y_lim_sup(self,y_lim_sup : float): self.params["y_lim_sup"] = y_lim_sup self._ord_lim_y() def set_length_x(self,length_x : float): self.x_lim_sup = self.x_lim_inf + length_x def set_length_y(self,length_y : float): self.y_lim_sup = self.y_lim_inf + length_y def get_length(self): return np.array([self.length_x, self.length_y])
[docs] def shuffle_atoms(self): # mélange les atomes aléatoirement pour répartir les 2 espèces dans l'espace """ Shuffle atoms' position in order to easily create a homogeneous repartition of the two species. Should be called just right after the positions are defined. Note ---- Atoms' speed is not shuffled. Returns ------- """ np.random.shuffle(self.pos)
[docs] def random_speed(self): # donne une vitesse aléatoire aux atomes pour une température non nulle """ Gives a random speed to the atoms, following a normal law, in order to have a strictly positive temperature. Returns ------- """ self.v = np.random.normal(size=(self.npart,2))
[docs] def _m(self): # vecteur de masses """ Constructs :py:attr:`m`. Returns ------- m : np.array """ m = np.concatenate((self.m_a*np.ones(self.n_a), self.m_b*np.ones(self.npart - self.n_a))) self.m = np.transpose([m,m]) return self.m
def get_up_forces(self): return np.array([self.up_x_component, self.up_y_component]) def get_total_EC(self): # énergie cinétique totale v = self.v m = self.m return 0.5*ne.evaluate("sum(m*v**2)") def get_EC(self): # énergie cinétique microscopique v = self.v m = self.m v_avg = np.average(v, axis=0) return 0.5*ne.evaluate("sum(m*(v-v_avg)**2)") def get_T(self): v = self.v m = self.m v_avg = np.average(v, axis=0) return self.EC/(self.kB*self.npart) def set_T(self, T : float): T = max(0,T) if not self.T: self.random_speed() v = self.v v_avg = np.average(v, axis=0) self.v = v_avg+v*np.sqrt(T/self.T) def get_mass(self): return self.n_a*self.m_a + (self.npart-self.n_a)*self.m_b def set_x_a(self,x_a : float): self.params["x_a"] = min(max(x_a,0.0),1.0) self.params["n_a"] = int(x_a*self.npart) self._m() def set_x_periodic(self, x : int = 1): if x: # pour être certains de la valeur de x x = 1 else: x = 0 self.params["x_periodic"] = x def set_y_periodic(self, y : int = 1): if y: y = 1 else: y = 0 self.params["y_periodic"] = y
[docs] def set_periodic_boundary(self, x : int = 1, y : int = 1): # conditions périodiques de bord : 1, sinon 0 """ Set periodic boundaries on both axis. Parameters ---------- x : int see :py:attr:`x_periodic` y : int see :py:attr:`y_periodic` Returns ------- """ self.x_periodic = x self.y_periodic = y
def decent_dt(self): epsilon = max(self.epsilon_a, self.epsilon_b, self.epsilon_ab) sigma = min(self.sigma_a, self.sigma_b, self.sigma_ab) m = min(self.m_a, self.m_b) freq = np.sqrt((57.1464 * epsilon / (sigma**2)) / m) / (2*np.pi) period = 1 / freq dt = period / 50 return dt
[docs] def set_dt(self, dt : int = None): """ Defines the timestep used for simulation. Parameters ---------- dt : float Desired timestep. If not set, will be calculated from species a's properties. Returns ------- """ if not dt: # période d'oscillation pour pouvoir calibrer le pas de temps dt = self.decent_dt() self.params["dt"] = abs(dt)