Source code for moldyn.simulation.runner

# -*-encoding: utf-8 -*-
Simulates the dynamics of a model (on the CPU or GPU).

import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne
import scipy.interpolate as inter
import warnings

from .forces_CPU import ForcesComputeCPU
from .forces_GPU import ForcesComputeGPU

[docs]class Simulation: """ Simulator for a model. Parameters ---------- model : builder.Model Model to simulate. The original model object is copied, and thus preserved, which allows it to serve as a reference. simulation : Simulation Simulation to copy. The simulation is copied, and the computing module reinitialized. prefer_gpu : bool Specifies if GPU should be used to compute inter-atomic forces. Defaults to `True`, as it generally results in a significant speed gain. Attributes ---------- model : builder.Model Model that is simulated. ------- Warning ------- Works as usual, but changing its properties will not affect the simulation as intended. You should construct another simulation from this model to correctly take in account the changes. This is due to the fact that some values (eg. Lennard-Jones parameters) are treated as constants during shader initialisation, in order to speed up the calculations. current_iter : int Number of iterations already computed, since initialisation. context : moderngl.Context ModernGL context used to build and run compute shader. F : numpy.ndarray Last computed forces applied to atoms. Initialized to zeros. Warning ------- Changing the values will affect behavior of the model. """ def __init__(self, model = None, simulation = None, prefer_gpu = True): if simulation: model = simulation.model self.model = model.copy() # paramétrage du module de calcul consts = dict() for k in model.params: consts[k.upper()] = model.params[k] if prefer_gpu: try: self._compute = ForcesComputeGPU(consts) except: warnings.warn("GPU not available, falling back on CPU. GPU compute needs OpenGL >=4.3.") self._compute = ForcesComputeCPU(consts) else: self._compute = ForcesComputeCPU(consts) self.T_f = lambda t:self.T[-1] self.Fx_f = lambda t:0.0 self.Fy_f = lambda t:0.0 if simulation : self.current_iter = simulation.current_iter self.state_fct = simulation.state_fct self.T_cntl = simulation.T_cntl if self.T_cntl: self.T_f = simulation.T_f self.Fx_f = simulation.Fx_f self.Fy_f = simulation.Fy_f self.F = simulation.F else: self.current_iter = 0 self.state_fct = dict() self.state_fct["T"] = [] self.state_fct["T_ctrl"] = [] self.state_fct["T_ramps"] = [[],[]] self.state_fct["Fx_ramps"] = [[],[]] self.state_fct["Fy_ramps"] = [[],[]] self.state_fct["EC"] = [] self.state_fct["EP"] = [] self.state_fct["ET"] = [] self.state_fct["bonds"] = [] self.state_fct["time"] = [] self.state_fct["iters"] = [] self.T_cntl = False self.F = np.zeros(self.model.pos.shape) # Doit être initialisé et conservé d'une itération à l'autre for s in self.state_fct: self.__setattr__(s, self.state_fct[s])
[docs] def iter(self, n=1, callback=None): """ Iterates one or more simulation steps. Basically, follows the Position-Verlet method to update positions and speeds, and computes inter-atomic forces derived from Lennard-Jones potential. Parameters ---------- n: int Number of iterations to perform. callback : callable A callback function that must take the Simulation object as first argument. It is called at the end of each iteration. Note ---- Setting n is significantly faster than calling :py:meth:`iter` several times. Example ------- .. code-block:: python model.iter(5) Returns ------- """ for s in self.state_fct: self.__setattr__(s, self.state_fct[s]) betaC = self.T_cntl # Contrôle de la température # on crée des alias aux valeurs du modèles pour numexpr v = self.model.v pos = self.model.pos dt = self.model.dt dt2 = dt/2.0 m = self.model.m dtm = dt/m npart = self.model.npart inv2npart = 0.5/npart knparts = self.model.kB * npart gamma = self.model.gamma limInf = self.model.lim_inf limSup = self.model.lim_sup length = self.model.length F = self.F bondsGL = np.zeros(self.model.npart) periodic = self.model.x_periodic or self.model.y_periodic apply_up_zone_forces = self.model.up_apply_force_x or self.model.up_apply_force_y #up_zone_force = self.model.up_forces up_zone_limit = self.model.up_zone_lower_limit low_zone_block = self.model.low_block low_zone_limit = self.model.low_zone_upper_limit if periodic: length *= (self.model.x_periodic, self.model.y_periodic) # on n'applique les conditions périodiques que selon le(s) axe(s) spécifié(s) kick = "F" micro_ke = "sum(m*(v-v_avg)**2)" if apply_up_zone_forces: kick = "(F+up_mask*up_zone_force)" up_mask = np.zeros(pos.shape) compute_rotative_term = apply_up_zone_forces and not(self.model.y_periodic) if compute_rotative_term: micro_ke = "sum(m*(v-v_avg-rotative_term)**2)" rotative_term = np.zeros(pos.shape) y_middle = (self.model.y_lim_sup + self.model.y_lim_inf)/2 from_y_middle = np.zeros(npart) kick = "(v + ("+kick+"*dtm))" if betaC: kick += "*sqrt(1 + gamma*(T_v/T - 1))" if low_zone_block: # On présélectionne les atomes bloqués, afin que leur nombre ne change pas low_block_mask = pos[:,1] > low_zone_limit low_block_mask = np.array([low_block_mask]*2).T kick += "*low_block_mask" for i in range(n): t = self.current_iter * dt # l'heure, qui sert pour le calcul de température ne.evaluate("pos + v*dt2", out=pos) # half drift # conditions périodiques de bord if periodic: ne.evaluate("pos + (pos<limInf)*length - (pos>limSup)*length", out=pos) self._compute.set_pos(pos) v_avg = np.average(v, axis=0) if apply_up_zone_forces: # recalcul du masque, parce que ça bouge up_zone_force = self.F_f(t) up_mask[:,:] = np.array([pos[:,1] > up_zone_limit]*2).T if compute_rotative_term: from_y_middle[:] = pos[:,1]-y_middle rotative_term[:,0] = (np.sum(v[:,0]/from_y_middle)/npart)*from_y_middle # Énergie cinétique et température EC = 0.5 * ne.evaluate(micro_ke) T = EC / knparts self.EC.append(EC) self.T.append(T) F[:] = self._compute.get_F() # Énergie potentielle EPgl = self._compute.get_PE() EP = 0.5 * ne.evaluate("sum(EPgl)") self.EP.append(EP) self.ET.append(EC + EP) # Thermostat T_v = self.T_f(t) self.T_ctrl.append(T_v) ne.evaluate(kick, out=v) # kick ne.evaluate("pos + v*dt2", out=pos) # half drift bondsGL[:] = self._compute.get_COUNT() self.bonds.append(inv2npart*ne.evaluate("sum(bondsGL)")) self.iters.append(self.current_iter) self.time.append(t) if callback: callback(self) self.current_iter += 1
def _f(self, t, y): f2 = inter.interp1d(t, y) def f(x): if x<t[0]: return y[0] elif x>t[-1]: return y[-1] else: return float(f2(x)) # pour la consistance des types return f
[docs] def set_T_f(self, f): """ Sets function that controls temperature. Parameters ---------- f : callable Must take time (float) as an argument and return temperature (in K, float). Returns ------- """ self.T_cntl = True self.T_f = f self.model.T = f(self.current_iter*self.model.dt)
[docs] def set_T_ramps(self, t, T): """ Creates a function based on ramps and uses it for temperature control. Values of the function are interpolated between points given in `t` and `T`. Temperature is supposed constant before the first point and after the last one. Parameters ---------- t : array Time. T : array Associated temperatures. Returns ------- """ if len(t)>1: self.state_fct["T_ramps"] = [list(t), list(T)] self.T_ramps = self.state_fct["T_ramps"] self.set_T_f(self._f(t, T))
[docs] def F_f(self, t): """ Parameters ---------- t Time in seconds. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray External forces applied at time `t` (2-component vector). """ return np.array((self.Fx_f(t), self.Fy_f(t)))
[docs] def set_Fx_ramps(self, t, Fx): """ Creates a function based on ramps and uses it for external forces control along axis x. See `set_T_ramps` for further details. Parameters ---------- t : array Time. Fx : array Associated forces. """ if len(t)>1: self.state_fct["Fx_ramps"] = [list(t), list(Fx)] self.Fx_ramps = self.state_fct["Fx_ramps"] self.Fx_f = self._f(t, Fx)
[docs] def set_Fy_ramps(self, t, Fy): """ Creates a function based on ramps and uses it for external forces control along axis y. See `set_T_ramps` for further details. Parameters ---------- t : array Time. Fy : array Associated forces. """ if len(t)>1: self.state_fct["Fy_ramps"] = [list(t), list(Fy)] self.Fy_ramps = self.state_fct["Fy_ramps"] self.Fy_f = self._f(t, Fy)